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Hey, What's up?  Okay, this is just gonna tell you about me and all that stuff-obviously :o) 

My name is Debbie.  I am 13 years old and I'm in the 8th grade (my birthday is January 14th, if I don't update this in a long time and it says I'm still 13 in March, you'll know i'm really 14 hehe).  I live in Massachusetts.  I have been dancing since I was 3 years old.  I do tap, ballet, jazz, lyric, and Irish Step Dancing.  I compete too.  I LOVE to dance...can you tell?  hehe  Um....what to say :)  I like to hike mountains, take walks, etc...those kinds of things.  I am not athletic (for some reason people think I am cuz I dance but I'm far from it lol), but I  like volleyball and tennis kind of...I'm not into sports (I've had bad experiences hehe).   Anyway....I love to baby-sit .  I want to be an elementry school teacher when I get older but I also want to have a career in dance whether it's just teaching at a studio that I own (or one of my friends owns) or if it's going on Broadway :o).  Let's see, I'm not popular, but I have a lot of friends and I talk to the popular people online.  Popularity doesn't matter anyway.   another thing is that my motto is "Peace, Love, and Happiness".  I wish people would just stop fighting and all that crap.  And I believe that the most important thing in the world is happiness.  I want world peace and all that pollution to just go away. I hate that and I wish people would be more considerate about stuff like that-it's not gonna happen :)   but I can wish!  I just want my kids and the kids of future generations to grow up in a world of happiness and in a clean know what I mean?  I am very outgoing and cheerful.  I am usually always smiling (you can ask anyone).  I am layed back, but get stressed out pretty easily.  I get frustrated.  I am emotional, but I never cry at schooI, so people don't know that.   I can be serious, but I hate to do that hehe:)  I am a hyper kind of person, so I don't like to be sophisticated when I type letters and stuff, but when I write poetry, I can be serious.  I am a peer mediator at my school which is someone who helps 2 or more people solve conflicts.  I don't feel like explaining the whole thing right now though :)   I talk a lot, but don't get in trouble for it at school because the teachers think me and my friends are like perfect (yeah right-they just don't see us talking hehe).  But I get good grades (A's and sometimes a B or two).  I talk on the phone a lot and I go on the internet a lot too but when school starts I won't be as much.  Oh, my screen name for the AOL Instant Messenger is PLHAngel.   I don't have AOL though.  My ICQ number is 2720603.  I also have Bolt Zap (at and my name there is PLHAngel also.  Anyway....I like poetry and Laurlene McDaniel books (they are sad books with a little romance-they are all about girls with cancer and stuff like that).  I like Kiss 108 (a radio station in Boston).  It has music like BSB, N Sync, Goo Goo Dolls, Joey McIntyre, Christina Aguilera, and all the pop music...stuff on mtv but not rap really.  I love trl (total request live) on mtv too.  The only other thing I can think of is that I like to write and I like to sing.   If you have any questions or wanna talk, my email is or you can email me at (I use them both and check them both everytime I am online).

Lotsa luv,


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