This is just a page where there is information on eating disorders. A lot of girls have an eating disorder as you will find out in my report. I had to do a report for a current science report. We had to find an article that was current and do a report on it. I chose an article from Teen magazine. Below is the report that I did and some other information that I got. Email me if you have any questions at all on eating disorders or if you would like to talk about it-I am someone you will want to talk to :) (just email me and we can talk). I hope you will find the information useful/interesting. -Debbie My Report: Eating disorders are extremely serious and sometimes deadly illnesses. Eating disorders or disordered eating develop when someone has a negative attitude toward food. They don't have a healthy relationship with food.Between 5 and 10 million females suffer from eating disorders. Mostly females suffer from eating disorders, but males do also, there is just a lower percentage of males that do. Disordered eating is sometimes caused by emotional problems in life. Sometimes people might have problems in their lives that are just so hard to handle and they eventually turn to food and then an eating disorder develops. Emotional problems are just as serious as the physical problems that come with eating disorders. You can end up being moody, irritable, and unable to concentrate. When you get so caught up with your weight, you start to care less about school, friends, sports, etc. and this can all lead to isolation or depression. A lot of athletes end up with eating disorders because some coaches encourage their students to lose an extra five pounds because they will "play better". Then the students may end up starving themselves or throwing up after meals. People blame the advertisements and media for having such a large amount of people with eating disorders. The ads show females that are extremely underweight and thin. You see models that are 5'6 and 105 pounds. Girls try to look like that and become what they see. Sometimes even the people that you care about and care about you encourage you to be thinner and lose weight. What's really gotten worse is that the average span of females with eating disorders used to be 14-18 years old. Now the first number has dropped and it's now 12-18 years old. It's normal for girls to worry about their weight and physical appearances. But sometimes people get too carried away and go too far. They end up ruining their lives over such a small thing and end up putting their lives at risk. Disordered Eating- An attitude about food, weight, and body that leads to very rigid eating and exercise habits. Bulimia Nervosa- A cycle of binge eating followed by purging. The purging, by vomiting, laxatives, or excessive exercise, usually follows an episode of overeating. Anorexia Nervosa- Extreme food restriction and excessive weight loss. Facts:-8 out of 10 adolescent females have disordered eating. -In a study of 1,500 female high school students, 61% said they sometimes felt fat. 61% also said that they felt guilty when eating certain foods. -20-30 fourth and fifth grade girls want to be thinner. -You need at least 1,500 calories a day. -Counting calories can lead to life-threatening physical conditions. -The less you eat, the more your body craves food. -You can end up with osteoporosis if you have an eating disorder because your bones aren't getting the calcium they need. -Your hair and skin will dry out when you have an eating disorder. -1/3 of anorexics eventually develop bulimia nervosa.I also have a booklet with more information on eating disorders and it has some information on over-eating too. If you would like to know more information you can email me. Thanks :) |
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